Fertility Treatments

Michigan Integrative Medicine
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What are Fertility Treatments?

Fertility Treatments in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) encompass a range of natural therapies designed to enhance fertility and support reproductive health. These treatments, including acupuncture, herbal medicine, and lifestyle advice, work holistically to improve the chances of conception and address underlying fertility issues.

Our Approach

Our clinic's approach to fertility treatments is deeply empathetic and evidence-based, focusing on individualized care that respects the unique reproductive journey of each patient.

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Comprehensive Reproductive Support

We offer comprehensive reproductive support, combining TCM practices with modern fertility insights to provide an integrative and nurturing experience for individuals and couples seeking to conceive.

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Holistic Medicine

We incorporate every aspect of health in our assessment of a patient, not just their physical symptoms but their mental and emotional health as well,

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Our fertility treatments are tailored to meet the specific needs of each patient, whether they are facing challenges with natural conception or are undergoing assisted reproductive technologies like IVF. We believe in treating the whole person, not just the symptoms, by addressing factors like hormonal imbalances, stress, and overall health, which can significantly impact fertility. Our goal is to create a supportive and healing environment that nurtures both physical and emotional well-being, fostering an optimal state for conception. By integrating TCM with contemporary fertility methods, we aim to enhance fertility potential, offering a compassionate and holistic path to parenthood.


You’re In Good Hands

Effective Treatments

Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is a complete medical system that can treat a wide variety of symptoms, from headaches and migraines to turning breech babies to digestive problems and everything in between!

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Frequently Asked Questions

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Schedule your appointment online or CALL us

We are available for in-clinic appointments every day but Sunday. We are located in Bloomfield Hills, MI & also offer concierge visits.

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